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listSep 2023

Top 500 Early Stage Gen AI Founders 2023


Finding the right generative AI founders is on top of mind for many private investors today. Direct searches on people's databases often cast a very broad net, especially with "Artificial Intelligence" being overused as a tag today. Investors usually find themselves sifting through a multitude of profiles to identify those founders that truly align with their focus. To address this, we've curated a pinpointed list of interesting founders who are innovating in the Generative AI space. We have tracked prominent projects across sources like TheresanAIforthat, Github, Product Hunt, and Hugging Face, and enriched them with Synaptic People Data.

What's Inside?


  • 500 profiles of founders in the early stages (pre-funding, pre-seed, seed) of their Generative AI ventures
  • Geographical information to help you filter regions that align with your focus
  • An indicator identifying whether a founder is a serial entrepreneur
  • Links to each founder’s company, LinkedIn profile, and website, equipping you with all the necessary connections for further research or adding to your databases

Download the database and expedite your search for Generative AI disruptors!

About Synaptic

Synaptic provides actionable insights from alternative datasets on a no-code platform, so you can invest with data-driven confidence. Synaptic unifies billions of data points from both your favorite data sources and our own proprietary sources in a single pane of glass, so you never miss out on spotting emerging trends and high-growth companies.

Trusted by some of the most data-driven investors
