Enrich traditional data with alternative data perspectives
Synaptic enables Public Market investors and their data teams to research better with deeper insight into companies between quarterly earnings cycles.

The Synaptic Advantage
Alternative data provides a rich set of dynamic, real-time datasets that help public market investors build smarter investment models.
Synaptic unifies alternative data to provide better insights for portfolio tracking, competitive intelligence, and deeper dives into company performance.
Synaptic unifies alternative data to provide better insights for portfolio tracking, competitive intelligence, and deeper dives into company performance.

Get a 360° view of companies with our
alternative datasets
Company ID, Name, Geo, Website, Industry
Employee & Hire count, Employee distribution by function
Proprietary Indices
Growth score, Metric level growth scores
Product Reviews
Products, Categories, Ratings, Reviews
App Rankings
App category, Store Rankings
Employee Reviews
Employee ratings and reviews
Developer Activity
Languages, Repositories, Stars, Issues, Commits, Pull Requests
Total Website Visits
Across desktop & mobile channels. Data from Similarweb
Integrate new datasets
Our modular build allows us to integrate any licensed third-party dataset into your data warehouse in no time for richer analysis
Make portfolio analysis smart and efficient
Build dynamic lists covering your tickers of interest
Stay updated with our easy-to-build custom screeners with a wide spectrum of data points
Stay updated with our easy-to-build custom screeners with a wide spectrum of data points
Get a holistic view of company performance
Carry out comprehensive analysis using multiple financial and alternative data metrics in one place
Identify patterns and trends across datasets with our pre-built analysis and visualizations
Identify patterns and trends across datasets with our pre-built analysis and visualizations
Stay on top of the competition
Scan and track competitors and competitor portfolios, and get notified by our AI with alerts on significant changes
Scan the private market with lists and screeners
Scan the private market with lists and screeners

Automated insights and integrated workflows
Get automated insights and smart alerts based on your criteria
Add new companies with easy CRM integration and prioritize your deal pipeline based on Synaptic metrics
Calendar integration to get company insights before meetings and Slack integration to share insights with colleagues
Add new companies with easy CRM integration and prioritize your deal pipeline based on Synaptic metrics
Calendar integration to get company insights before meetings and Slack integration to share insights with colleagues

Resources for
Public Investors
See how Synaptic leverages the power of alternative
data by unifying 3rd party data and proprietary
datasets in one place
View All Resources data by unifying 3rd party data and proprietary
datasets in one place