Sneak Peek: The Future of Portfolio Management

reportNov 2023

Digital Health 30


The global Digital Health market is expected to reach $1.5 trillion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 27.7% from 2022 to 2030. 

The Digital Health 30 is created as a one-stop resource for investors looking to gain exposure to this exciting and growing market. Our index provides investors with a curated set of 30 high-growth companies across different stages of funding and growth in their lifecycle.

Key Findings:

  • Health IT, mental health tech, and personalized healthcare are among the leading themes in Digital Health that are growing fast.
  • Half of the companies are in the seed stage, 30% are bootstrapped, and the rest, 20%, are in the early stages of growth.

This report provides deep insights into each company’s performance based on alternative data metrics like website traffic growth, employee growth, product ratings, and many others available on the Synaptic platform.

Download the complete report now!

About Synaptic

Synaptic provides actionable insights from alternative datasets on a no-code platform, so you can invest with data-driven confidence. Synaptic unifies billions of data points from both your favorite data sources and our own proprietary sources in a single pane of glass, so you never miss out on spotting emerging trends and high-growth companies.